Public Interest Data
I. Organisational and staff data
1. The Company's official name, registered office, postal address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address, website, customer service contact details
Official name: Hungarian Defence Export Agency Private Limited Company
Short name: Hungarian Defence Export Agency Ltd.
Registered office: 1011 Budapest, Fő utca 14-18. A. ép.
Postal address: 1011 Budapest, Fő utca 14-18. A. ép.
Phone: +36-1/201-3271
E-mail address:
2. The organisational structure of the Company, including the organisational units and the tasks of each unit

Organisational structure, tasks of each department (only available in Hungarian)
3. Names, titles, contact details (telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address) of the Company's managers and the managers of the individual departments
Róbert Pachner, CEO
Telephone: +36-1-201-3271
Heads of departments:
Tibor Péter Nagy Deputy CEO for International Business Development and Commerce
Telephone: +36-1-201-3271
Julianna Wolfné Dr. Borsi, Chief Operating Officer
Phone: +36-1-201-3271
Dr. Zsolt Tarjáni, International Business Development Executive
Phone: +36-1-201-3271
4. The name, contact details (telephone, fax, e-mail) and opening hours of the contact person responsible within the organisation
Not relevant for the Company.
5. In the case of a body corporate, the number, composition, names, titles and contact details of its members
Not relevant for the Company.
6. Name and particulars of other companies under the direction, control or supervision of the Company or subordinate to it, as set out in point
Not relevant for the Company.
7. The name, registered office, contact details (postal address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address), scope of activity, name of the representative, extent of the public body's participation, of the entity in which the Company is majority owned or in which it participates
Official name: Milipol Ltd.
Registered office: 1089 Budapest, Elnök utca 1.
Postal address: 1089 Budapest, Elnök utca 1.
Telephone: +36-1/210-1749
Central e-mail address:
CEO: László Kopácsi
Principal activity: 4664'25 Wholesale of other machinery and equipment
Shareholding: 100%
8. Names, registered offices, contact details (postal address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address), articles of association, members of the governing body of the public foundations established by the Company
Not relevant for the Company.
9. Name, location of the budgetary body set up by the Company, indication of the law establishing the budgetary body or the decision establishing it, the constituent instrument of the budgetary body, its manager, the contact details of its website, its operating licence
Not relevant for the Company.
10. Names of the journals founded by the Company, the name and address of the editorial board and publisher, and the name of the editor-in-chief
Not relevant for the Company.
11. The data of the Company's superior or supervisory body, of the body entitled to hear appeals against decisions of public authorities, or, in the absence of such decisions, of the body exercising control over the legality of the public authority, as specified in point 1.
Proprietor: Ministry of the National Economy
Postal address: 1011 Budapest, Vám utca 5-7.
Telephone: +36-1-795-5010
E-mail address:
II. Data on activities and operations
1. The basic legislation, public law instruments governing the body, the organisational and operational rules or rules of procedure, the data protection and data security policy, in full and in force, which define the tasks, powers and core activities of the Company
- Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 95/46/EC (GDPR)
- Act CXLIII of 2015 on Public Procurement;
- Act CLV of 2009 on the Protection of Classified Data;
- Act CXII of 2011 on the Right to Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information;
- Act CVI of 2007 on State Property;
- Act CXCVI of 2011 on National Property;
- Act CXXII of 2009 on the more economical operation of publicly owned companies;
- Government Decree No 461/2024 (XII. 30.) on the tasks of the Hungarian Defence Export Agency Private Limited Company;
- Government Decree No. 156/2017 (VI. 16.) on the detailed rules for the licensing of military technology activities and the certification of undertakings.
Internal regulations:
- Organisational and operational rules

Organisational and operational rules (only available in Hungarian)
- Data Protection and Security Policy

Data Protection and Security Policy (only available in Hungarian)
2. Information on the tasks and activities of the Company in Hungarian and English for the bodies with national jurisdiction and for the government offices of the capital and counties
The Hungarian Defence Export Agency Private Limited Company (the Company) is a 100% state-owned company under the ownership of the Ministry of Defence and under the control of the Deputy State Secretary for Defence Industry and Defence Procurement. The tasks and competences of the Company are defined by the Government Decree No 461/2024 (XII. 30.) on the tasks of the Hungarian Defence Export Agency Limited Joint Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as the VEX Decree).
In accordance with the VEX Decree, the Company:
- An economic company participating in the implementation of the Defence Industrial Strategy, aiming at promoting the access of Hungarian defence industrial products and services to the domestic and international markets and contributing to the development of the domestic defence industry.
- It is supported by international offices and representations, conducts continuous market research, connects foreign demand and domestic supply, and cooperates with government and defence industry stakeholders.
- In cooperation with the key public and market players in the Hungarian defence industry sector, it continuously monitors the activities, products, published research results and potential service capabilities of defence industry players, and helps them develop products and enter the market by providing advice, market information and analysis. It may conclude framework agreements with domestic defence industry players.
- In the course of its advisory and service activities, it may conclude framework agreements with domestic defence industrial players, including the scope of the services provided in individual cases, and contribute to the preparation and implementation of intergovernmental cooperation.
- Its activities shall support the development of the export capabilities of Hungarian operators, the access of Hungarian defence industrial products to foreign markets, the promotion of the products of Hungarian operators through marketing activities and the promotion of their presence at defence industrial exhibitions and fairs.
- It may set up an international network of offices and use collaborators in the performance of its tasks.
3. The voluntary tasks of local government
Not relevant for the Company.
4. In administrative, municipal and other official matters, the name of the competent body for each type of case and procedure, the name of the body actually acting in the case of delegation of competence, the area of competence, the documents, instruments and procedural fees (administrative service fees) required for the administration of the case, the basic procedural rules, the manner of submission of the document instituting the procedure (place, time), opening hours, time limits for the administration of the case (time limits for filing and appeals), guides to the administration of the case, information on the procedure and downloadable forms used for the administration of the case, access to electronic programmes, booking of appointments, list of legislation relating to the types of cases, information on the rights of the customer and the obligations incumbent on the customer.
Not relevant for the Company.
5. The name, content, the public services provided by the Company or financed from its budget, the arrangements for using public services, the level of the fee payable for the public service, the discounts granted therefrom.
The remuneration payable by the trustee, as a company involved in the sale of property, for the sale of property on behalf of and in the name of the trustee, is determined by the VEX Regulation.
6. Descriptive data of the databases or registers maintained by the Company (name, format, purpose, legal basis, duration of data processing, data subjects, source of data, questionnaire to be filled in case of questionnaire), identification data of the registers to be registered in the data protection register pursuant to this Act; the data of the Company's
(only available in Hungarian)
7. The title, subject, access, free of charge or charge of the Society's public publications
Not relevant for the Company.
8. The procedure for the preparation of the decisions of the body, the manner of public participation (opinion), the rules of procedure, the place, time and publicity of the meetings of the body, its decisions, minutes and summaries of its meetings; the voting data of the body, unless restricted by law
Not relevant for the Company.
9. Draft legislation and related documents to be published under the Act; submissions to public meetings of the body of local government representatives from the date of submission
Not relevant for the Company
10. Notices and announcements published by the Company
Not relevant for the Company
11. 11. Technical description of the tenders launched by the Company, their results and justification
They can be found on the Company's website under Services - Calls for proposals.
12. Public findings of investigations and audits relating to the Company's core business
The State Audit Office may carry out an investigation related to the core business of the company. The public findings of the investigations are available on the organisation's website.
13. Procedure for dealing with requests for access to data of public interest, name and contact details of the competent department, name of the person responsible for information rights
The Company's
. Data Protection Officer: László Varga (
14. Results of the collection of statistical data on the Company's activities based on legislation and changes over time
Not relevant for the Company.
15. Compulsory statistical returns on data related to the given organization
Not relevant for the Company
16. List of contracts for the exploitation of data of public interest to which the Company is a party
Not relevant for the Company
17. General contractual conditions for the use and exploitation of data of public interest held by the Company
(only available in Hungarian)
(only available in Hungarian)
(only available in Hungarian)
Specific and individual disclosure list for the Company
The executive officers, members of the supervisory board, employees holding managerial positions pursuant to Section 208 of Act I of 2012 on the Labour Code (hereinafter referred to as "Labour Code") and employees entitled to register a company or to dispose of a bank account independently.
Contracts relating to the use of the Company's funds and the management of its assets.
(only available in hungarian)
19. List of cultural public data held by the Company that are available for recycling under the Act on the Recycling of Public Data, with an indication of the formats available, and information on the types of public data held by the Company that are available for recycling under the Act on the Recycling of Public Data, with an indication of the formats available
Not relevant for the Company
20. General terms and conditions for the re-use of public data and public cultural data under line 19, in an electronically editable version
Not relevant for the Company
21. General list of charges for the provision of public data and public cultural data for re-use according to line 19, together with the factors on which the charges are calculated
Not relevant for the Company
22. Information on legal remedies under the Act on the re-use of public data
Not relevant for the Company
23. Identification of the parties to agreements entered into by the Company granting exclusive rights under the Act on the Re-use of Public Data, the duration of the exclusivity, the subject matter of the exclusivity and other material elements of the agreement
Not relevant for the Company
24. The text of the agreements concluded by the Company granting the exclusive right to digitise public cultural data under the Act on the Re-Use of Public Data
Not relevant for the Company
25. Legislation, a public law instrument, a public service contract or other binding document (or a reference to its availability) within the meaning of the Act on the Re-use of Public Data that requires the Company to cover a significant part of the costs associated with the collection, production, processing and dissemination of public data that may be made available for re-use from its own revenue
Not relevant for the Company
III. Management data
1. The annual budget of the company, the annual accounts under the Accounting Act or the annual budget report
To view the company's accounts, please click on the link below and enter the necessary information to search:
2. Aggregated data on the number of employees and their benefits, and aggregated data on the salaries, wages and regular allowances and reimbursements of managers and senior executives, and the type and amount of benefits granted to other employees, aggregated

Aggregated data on the number of employees and personnel benefits.
(only available in Hungarian)
3. Information on the names of the beneficiaries of budget aid granted by the Company under the Public Finance Act, the purpose of the aid, the amount of the aid and the place where the aid scheme is implemented, unless the budget aid is withdrawn or waived by the beneficiary before publication.
Not relevant for the Company
For the purchase of goods, construction works, services, sale of property, use of property, transfer of property or rights of property value, in connection with the use of public funds and the management of property belonging to the public budget, with a value of HUF 5 million or more, and concession contracts, the name (type) of the contract, the subject matter, the names of the parties to the contract, the value of the contract, the duration of the contract in the case of fixed-term contracts and changes to the above data, the data on defence and security procurement and classified data, and the data on the award of public contracts, as well as the data on the award of public contracts, as defined in the Public Procurement Act 2015. CXLIII of 2015, Article 9 (1) (b) of the Public Procurement Act and the data of the procurement and the contracts concluded as a result thereof. The value of the contract shall be understood to be the consideration agreed for the subject of the contract, excluding value added tax, and in the case of a free transaction, the higher of the market value or the book value of the assets. In the case of recurring contracts of a duration of more than one year, the value shall be calculated on the basis of the amount of the consideration calculated for one year. The value of contracts concluded with the same contractor in the same financial year and having the same subject matter shall be calculated as one

Contracts concluded by the Hungarian Defence Export Agency Ltd.
(only available in Hungarian)
5. Public data as defined in the Concessions Act (calls for tender, details of tenderers, memos of evaluation, tender results)
Not relevant for the Company
6. Payments exceeding HUF 5 million made by the Company for the performance of its non-core tasks (in particular, support for associations, professional and employee representative bodies of its employees, support for educational, cultural, social and sports organisations of its employees and beneficiaries, payments in connection with tasks performed by foundations).
Not relevant for the Company
7. Description of the developments supported by the European Union and the contracts relating to them
No such data are available for the Hungarian Defence Export Agency Ltd.
8. Public procurement information (annual plan, summary of the evaluation of tenders, contracts concluded)
(only available in Hungarian)
Notices relating to procedures launched and conducted by the Company, summary of tenders received (only available in Hungarian)
Contracts concluded following public procurement (only available in Hungarian)
Other disclosures:

Complaints handling policy
(only available in Hungarian)

External complaint form
(only available in Hungarian)

Privacy Notice
(only available in Hungarian)