Public data – Archives
II. Data on activity, operation
The basic legislation and public law instruments governing the tasks, powers and core activities of the Company, as well as the full text in force of the organisational and operational rules or rules of procedure, the data protection and data security policy
The basic activities, tasks and powers of the body:
• The Hungarian Defence Export Agency is a private limited company under the ownership of the Ministry of Defence, under the control of the Deputy State Secretary for Defence Industry and Defence Procurement, and wholly owned by the State. The tasks and powers of the Company are defined in Government Decree No 62/2022 (28.II.) on the tasks of the Hungarian Defence Export Agency, a private limited company, and on the sale of military equipment, military technical equipment and specialised materials declared surplus for defence purposes (hereinafter 'the VEX Decree').
Under the VEX Regulation, the Company:
• is a business company aiming at promoting the domestic and international market access of Hungarian defence industrial products and services and contributing to the development of the defence industry.
• It is supported by international offices and representative offices, conducts continuous market research through its international offices, connects foreign market demand and domestic supply, and cooperates with governmental and defence industry actors.
• It continuously monitors the products, published research results, potential service capabilities of public and private defence industrial companies, start-ups and advises on their product development and market entry.
• It may conclude framework agreements with domestic defence industry players.
• In cooperation with government agencies, support the achievement of government objectives related to defence development.
• As an economic company involved in the sale of the incurrence, it participates in the sale process on behalf and on behalf of the HMO as trustee.
Legislation, public law instruments, regulations:
• Act CXLIII of 2015 on Public Procurement;
• Act CLV of 2009 on the Protection of Classified Data;
• Act CXII of 2011 on the Right to Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information;
• Act CVI of 2007 on State Property;
• Act CXCVI of 2011 on National Property;
• Act CXXII of 2009 on the more economical operation of publicly owned companies.
Government Decree:
• Government Decree 62/2022 (28.II.) on the tasks of the Hungarian Defence Export Agency Private Limited Company and on the sale of military equipment, military technical equipment and specialised materials declared surplus for defence purposes,
• Government Decree No. 156/2017 (VI. 16.) on the detailed rules for the licensing of military technology activities and the certification of undertakings.
European Union law:
• Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 95/46/EC (GDPR).
Policies (only available in hungarian):

Articles of Association and amendments theret

Articles of association and bylaws of the company

Rules on procurement and public contracts

Data Protection and Security Policy
5. Public findings of investigations and audits on the core business of the public sector body
6. The procedures for dealing with requests for access to data of public interest, the name and contact details of the competent department and, where appointed, the name of the data protection officer or information rights officer
Pursuant to Article 28 of Act CXII of 2011 on the Right to Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information (hereinafter: Infotv.), anyone may request data of public interest or public interest in oral, written or electronic form. The Company fulfils requests for public interest data by involving the departments determined by the CEO.
III. Management Data
2. Aggregated data on the number of employees and their benefits, and aggregated data on the salaries, wages and regular allowances and reimbursements of managers and senior executives, and the type and amount of benefits granted to other employees, aggregated

Aggregated data on the number of employees and personnel benefits.
(only available in Hungarian)